Inbox Zero is a state of mind

A few email management tactics—none of which require you to spend hours emptying your inbox.

To lead a more intentional life, try opting out

My conversation with Cait Flanders on how to follow a path that’s more true to you.

Tonight, pick one problem to sleep on

The best way to put a problem to bed.

10 strategies to read more books

Reading is one of the most meaningful ways to spend your day. Here’s how you can do more of it.

The power of embracing change

How to befriend change—one of the greatest forces in the universe.

10 interviews to make you more productive

Some of our biggest lessons learned so far on the podcast.

Want to become happier? Get moving!

Kelly McGonigal on why exercise might be the best thing you can do for your mental health, happiness, and connection with others.

10 productivity books that let you earn back time

A list of some the best productivity books ever written.

Yes, you have permission to be lazy right now

Idleness, when practiced properly, can actually make you more productive and creative.

Flexibility as a Source of Inner Calm

My chat with Henry Emmons, on the science of settling our mind.


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