
About this site


A decade ago, after graduating from business school, I received a few full-time job offers but decided to turn them down to start The Productivity Project.

For one year, I followed my passion and devoured everything I could about the subject of productivity. I interviewed productivity experts, sifted through countless journal articles, and even conducted personal productivity experiments where I used myself as a guinea pig to explore how to become as productive as humanly possible.


For some curious reason, the project took off. By the end of the year, my articles had been read over a million times by people around the world. I even got to publish a book based on this year-long productivity project. Since then, I’ve had the good fortune to continue researching and experimenting with topics that fascinate me, ones I hope you’ll find interesting and helpful, too.

I’ve also written two more books—Hyperfocus and How to Calm Your Mind—along with one Audible Original. To date, my books have been published in more than 40 languages—and I’m currently writing a fourth book that I can’t wait to get in your hands!

This site is where I write about topics that tug at my curiosities— between writing books, speaking about my work, hosting a podcast, and sending my newsletter. The site is totally free from ads and sponsorships because I like to make money through writing books and speaking, and prefer not to be annoying on the internet (unless you follow my personal Twitter account—in which case, may God help you).


About Me


I should probably introduce myself! My name is Chris, and I live in Ottawa, Canada, with my wife Ardyn, our cat Elinor, and our turtle Edward. Just as some people are wired to be interested in sports, music, or comic books, I have always been fascinated by how to become a more productive, intentional person. If you’d like to get to know me a bit better, here are five things that make me tick:

1. I meditate for 30 minutes every day and wouldn’t trade the ritual for anything. I first became enamored with meditation (and Buddhism!) through my yoga practice and haven’t stopped practicing since. (It might seem weird that someone who’s into productivity is into meditation, but the two can work together in fascinating ways.)
2. I graduated from University with a business degree with specializations in management and marketing. While I’m into some things that seem hippie-dippy on the surface, I think my business-y mind helps me cut through all of the BS out there so I can focus on the practical, tactical side of what I write about.
3. I grew up in Canada and have lived here all my life. If you notice a dash of politeness in the way I talk, this is probably why. I currently live in Ottawa, Canada, and love it here. If you come to visit, I’ll treat you to poutine and a Beavertail.
4. I’ve had some neat professional experiences. I worked at several corporate jobs, and to this day, try to keep a few toes in the corporate world by training teams and organizations on becoming more productive and deliberate.
5. A few of my favorite things: green tea, writing, outer space, technology (I’m a huge nerd), typography, em dashes, and Oxford commas.



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To dig into what I’ve written, check out my three books and my free articles—this page houses everything I’ve written online. You can also subscribe to my newsletter so you don’t miss anything I publish.

Above all else, welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here. It’s great to have you along for the ride.

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