Helpful Reading
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You’re not as lost as you think you are
Operating without a roadmap and coming out the other side.
Before investing in productivity, know what you value
Your values are central to who you are, and who you want to be as a person. It’sworthreflecting on what you value most before investing in productivity.
There are 2 types of busyness
Busyness gets a bad rap, but the truth is more nuanced.
How to stop procrastinating by making your work more fun
We’ve all been there—here’s how to get unstuck.
Want to become more productive? Stop multitasking.
According to a recent study, when you multitask, you are not being more productive - you just feel more emotionally satisfied from your work. While multitasking feels good, it ultimately makes you less productive.
6 immediate strategies to feel less overwhelmed at work
Triage your tasks to make back time.
Instagram is about two things: Bodies and comparing lifestyles
Thinking about Instagram’s “inadequacy loop.”
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