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I’ve written hundreds of articles (with no ads) to help to you manage your
time, attention, energy, and more. Here are a few of my favorite recent ones!
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Your Never-Ending To-Do List
Your to-do list will never end. That’s a good (and normal) thing!
A 30 second tactic for overcoming mental resistance
If you can’t beat mental resistance.. join it.
The Resistance List
A simple tactic for getting more aversive tasks done.
The Four Levels of Knowledge Work
The kinds of knowledge work we do throughout the day—and the rise of “superskilled” work.
5 lessons I learned switching to a flip phone for a month
Just because comething stimulates your mind does not mean that it makes you happy.
What happens doesn’t matter all that much
A new mental framing to take forward.
The 3 ways the digital world adds value to your life
A few insights from my flip phone experiment
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